Independent Contractors and Small Business Owners
Contracts and Legal Agreements
When expectations for working relationships are clearly and equitably set out, conflict can be prevented, and if it arises, all parties can rely on a transparent and flexible resolution process. Instead of lengthy adversarial, boilerplate language, your legal agreements can be concise, precise, equitable, and readable. We create and revise employment contracts, subcontractor and client contracts, confidentiality agreements, and co-partnership agreements. We stay on top of changes to employment law, so you do not have to.
Intellectual Property (IP) Asset Protection
Your creations are your biggest business asset as a small business owner, whether it is your logo, hashtags, webinar recordings, infographics, or podcast episodes. You need an adaptable IP protection strategy that helps you identify each of your assets and determine the best ways to protect and monetize those creations. Additionally, in the spirit of co-consulting and open collaboration, you may consider joint ownership and profit-sharing models to promote collective knowledge exchange. Let us design a strategy for you that balances your needs.
“There is an important opportunity to disrupt, dismantle, and rebuild businesses, leading teams, and engaging in daily interactions with each other.”
— Trudi Lebron, 2022, p. 15
Source: Trudi Lebron. (2022). The antiracist business nook: An equity centered approach to work, wealth, and leadership. Row House Publishing.